Tag Archives: photography

  • ainonieminen.com


    What a MAD month it has been! And it’s still not even over! Whoah! 

  • ainonieminen.com

    Tools of the trade

    Managing multiple businesses means that you need exactly the right tools of the trade too to keep everything in control. Throughout the years I’ve tried several different software (and hardware) and by trial and error finally found the right ones which work perfectly for me. I’ve also found many that don’t fit my personal (or …

  • Summer vibes and visual field notes | June

    When everything is blooming and every sunset is a masterpiece, it’s hard not to take photos all the time. After all those dark (and because of that quite stylish and goth-like, I have to admit!) months this light is just unbeliavable. If you need some beauty in your life, here are some of my visual …
