Tag Archives: work

  • ainonieminen.com


    What a MAD month it has been! And it’s still not even over! Whoah! 

  • ainonieminen.com

    Things I’ve done this year

    It’s the fifth of January and it feels like I’ve already done so much. I tried to avoid overplanning at the beginning of the year but it doesn’t take away the energy wave I’m currently riding on (and which keeps me awake at night too). In good and in bad.

  • binaural beats on spotify screen shot flowers

    What are binaural beats and how do they work?

    Find your creativity, gain more focus and just easily manipulate your brain (and ears) to function in specific ways? Besides just doing the work (which I highly recommend, stop procrastinating now!) there are several tools you can use to make it more efficient. My recent experiments have been with binaural beats.

  • Social Media Monday | Done is better than perfect

    I’ve spent so many hours on social media both for fun and for work. There have also been those moments when I felt like trapped inside my phone trying to manage several accounts 24/7 without a proper plan or efficient workflow. That’s how Social Media Mondays got started. To make it more efficient, I started …

  • About creativity, improvisation and clouds

    As I’m an entrepreneur with several companies and brands and I work in visual and creativity field, it’s sometimes hard to find the time and the mindset to do anything visual or artistic just for fun. I have found few ways to trick my mind to let go and just create.

  • What makes you spark?

    Sometimes we forget what makes us spark and end up in the endless loop of mundane tasks which leave us exhausted and with feeling that we haven’t done anything. I have some thoughts about that and a small challenge for you today, dive in!
