You never know what awaits just around the corner. I have my moments of doubts and disbelief but in the end, something better always comes.
Few days ago I had a really flavourless and uninspiring day. I switched absent-mindedly from task to another and nothing felt quite right. I didn’t actually feel anything. Like an emotional flatline which is the worst thing ever when you need to do something creative (especially if you do it for living). Even the anger is better than nothing.
I was so close give up, to pack my bag and go home when I randomly switched my Spotify to artist radio mode and the next song started. And what a song it was. I had spent hours on idle emptiness and suddenly I was crying out loud because of the beauty of the song that was playing. That strong emotion caught me so out of the blue and it was about seconds that I might have missed it and ended the day thinking it was total waste of my time.
This is just one of the times I have experienced something like that. Even the most awful day ever might turn into a pure bliss in seconds. You might get that phone call that changes your whole career, that email that makes your day, that client you have always dreamed of, that gut feeling that gently pushes you into the right direction.
There is always that moment just before everything changes. It feels so ordinary it gets often forgotten after the major shift. But in the end, that is the moment where the magic actually happens. Never underestimate the power of the next thing that will happen to you.
You know those delicious images of mugs full of green and foamy drink that have taken over Instagram? As a serious coffee addict I’m usually quite sceptical about other drinks but I felt so drawn to this beautiful green drink so I decided to give it a go and learn a bit more about it. …
All the products I design have a story behind them. Some longer than others and some more important. That goes also with client work. I think there should always be the story, the reason, the why before anything is designed, established or branded.
We all have things we fear. Those things that make our hands shaky, those things that leave us paralysed and not be able to act at all. It might be the fear of what other people think about you or it might be the fear of the change you are about to make in your …
Learning new skills and developing and discovering yourself is mainly privately done hard work but sometimes it helps to find some spark and inspiration from someone else too. I have taken several different workshops and courses during this year and last one and I think those might inspire you too.
Let the magic happen
You never know what awaits just around the corner. I have my moments of doubts and disbelief but in the end, something better always comes.
Few days ago I had a really flavourless and uninspiring day. I switched absent-mindedly from task to another and nothing felt quite right. I didn’t actually feel anything. Like an emotional flatline which is the worst thing ever when you need to do something creative (especially if you do it for living). Even the anger is better than nothing.
I was so close give up, to pack my bag and go home when I randomly switched my Spotify to artist radio mode and the next song started. And what a song it was. I had spent hours on idle emptiness and suddenly I was crying out loud because of the beauty of the song that was playing. That strong emotion caught me so out of the blue and it was about seconds that I might have missed it and ended the day thinking it was total waste of my time.
This is just one of the times I have experienced something like that. Even the most awful day ever might turn into a pure bliss in seconds. You might get that phone call that changes your whole career, that email that makes your day, that client you have always dreamed of, that gut feeling that gently pushes you into the right direction.
There is always that moment just before everything changes. It feels so ordinary it gets often forgotten after the major shift. But in the end, that is the moment where the magic actually happens. Never underestimate the power of the next thing that will happen to you.
Have a magical week! ♡
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