The narratives we tell ourselves are a big part of who we are but those are also the key to who we could become. What kind of stories do you tell yourself?
When I participated in AltMBA last February, we talked a lot about narratives. One of the most mind-blowing tasks was to rewrite one. I hadn’t really realized you could actually do that nor that it would be so powerful and empowering experience. We tend to think that what happened, happened exactly how we remember it but are you really sure about that? What’s in the past exists only in our memory. It’s not a universal truth. It’s your version of it and when there are more people involved, everyone will have a different story to tell.
I bet you’ve been in a situation where someone remembers the same thing completely differently. The most interesting part of it is that because of that, you can rewrite whatever part you want. If it only exists in your imagination anyway, you are the only author of it.
The narrative I chose to rewrite was very awkward, and where I had seen myself unprofessional and rudely belittled. That whole case haunted me for months and colored my self-image. It affected other situations too, kicking in the fight or flight mode when it wasn’t necessary and made me doubt myself and question even my entire career choice.
When I finally intentionally went back again to rewrite the whole thing, it started to fade and lose its power. It may or may not happened as I remember but that’s not important. The only thing that matters is how I will tell that story to myself from now on.
The choice is yours. The story exists only in your own mind.
The daily text of today is not in here. It’s actually a letter to myself to be opened on January 11th, 2021. I’ve done one in school years and years ago (my daughter actually did the same quite recently) but after that, I got back to this lovely little piece of a routine last year. …
Learning new skills and developing and discovering yourself is mainly privately done hard work but sometimes it helps to find some spark and inspiration from someone else too. I have taken several different workshops and courses during this year and last one and I think those might inspire you too.
Managing multiple businesses means that you need exactly the right tools of the trade too to keep everything in control. Throughout the years I’ve tried several different software (and hardware) and by trial and error finally found the right ones which work perfectly for me. I’ve also found many that don’t fit my personal (or …
This is what I wrote on my morning pages today. I want to write more. I should have a channel to publish it. Keeping a blog seems a bit old-fashioned or fake. On the other hand, I feel intrigued to change the format of this blog back to the old school one where you can …
Rewrite your narrative – Empower yourself
The narratives we tell ourselves are a big part of who we are but those are also the key to who we could become. What kind of stories do you tell yourself?
When I participated in AltMBA last February, we talked a lot about narratives. One of the most mind-blowing tasks was to rewrite one. I hadn’t really realized you could actually do that nor that it would be so powerful and empowering experience. We tend to think that what happened, happened exactly how we remember it but are you really sure about that? What’s in the past exists only in our memory. It’s not a universal truth. It’s your version of it and when there are more people involved, everyone will have a different story to tell.
I bet you’ve been in a situation where someone remembers the same thing completely differently. The most interesting part of it is that because of that, you can rewrite whatever part you want. If it only exists in your imagination anyway, you are the only author of it.
The narrative I chose to rewrite was very awkward, and where I had seen myself unprofessional and rudely belittled. That whole case haunted me for months and colored my self-image. It affected other situations too, kicking in the fight or flight mode when it wasn’t necessary and made me doubt myself and question even my entire career choice.
When I finally intentionally went back again to rewrite the whole thing, it started to fade and lose its power. It may or may not happened as I remember but that’s not important. The only thing that matters is how I will tell that story to myself from now on.
The choice is yours. The story exists only in your own mind.
This story evolved from today’s #boldasthecollective social media challenge prompt of ever-amazing @thisisbold_as @inthecollective and @thedelicaterebellion
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