Tag Archives: self

  • ainonieminen.com

    Hey, what’s up?

    What’s up? WHAZZAAP? I know it’s still only February but this year feels already so fulfilling, full and, well, long.

  • Focus

    Plan, do, execute, stay focused, be your best self all the time, repeat. The better and more you do, the better and more you are. And the more you do, the more you’re trying to do tomorrow. Look cool, create, meditate, listen some music, draw, paint, sell, upsell, grow, stay hydrated, be a good mother. …

  • Microdermal piercings in cleavage

    Diamonds on my decolteé | What’s microdermal piercing?

    I have lot of piercings but the one (or in this case two) that awoke the most questions are tiny shiny ones on my decolteé. Wearing a top where my microdermals can be seen is a hell of a sure way to get you in the conversation anywhere. So what are those and the question …
