Tag Archives: writing

  • ainonieminen.com

    Stop whining and start writing

    This is what I wrote on my morning pages today. I want to write more. I should have a channel to publish it. Keeping a blog seems a bit old-fashioned or fake. On the other hand, I feel intrigued to change the format of this blog back to the old school one where you can …

  • Booklover

    When I was a kid, I used to bury myself on the sofa with a pile of books I had borrowed from the library. Some things seem not to change that much. We haven’t had a sofa for years (or TV either) but the pile of books is still essential part of my everyday life.

  • The Morning Pages – Where the magic happens

    I’ve started the morning pages habit quite many times and failed to do it almost as often. For me tweaking stuff to fit to my own path and breaking the rules when necessary are the way of life. I have to admit that it works quite well with everything else but with the Morning Pages, …
