Sometimes we forget what makes us spark and end up in the endless loop of mundane tasks which leave us exhausted and with feeling that we haven’t done anything. I have some thoughts about that and a small challenge for you today, dive in!
Finding the things that make us really spark is super important and I have been thinking about that a lot lately. I wanted to share my thoughts about this with you, so put your headphones on and hear what makes me spark, what I think about it and what you could do to add some in your daily routines too.
What makes me spark and how you can add some of that in your daily routine too.
I would love to hear your takeaways of this small audio and how did it go when you added some spark in your life. Please share the takeaways you got, take a screenshot or write about it in the channel you feel the most sparkly one for you.
Let me know! You can comment below or reach me in social media. On instagram you can find me with name @ainoawashere, make sure you tag me when you share about your what makes your spark! Feel free to share these quote images too if you like, I made them for you!
Maybe you could help someone else to find their spark too. Send a link or share this article via social media to a friend who do you think would benefit of adding some spark in their lives right now?
I used to hate that time of the month. The whole world seemed to crash down on me and the pain was horrible. Both physically and mentally. But this time I’m prepared!
This is what I wrote on my morning pages today. I want to write more. I should have a channel to publish it. Keeping a blog seems a bit old-fashioned or fake. On the other hand, I feel intrigued to change the format of this blog back to the old school one where you can …
We all have things we fear. Those things that make our hands shaky, those things that leave us paralysed and not be able to act at all. It might be the fear of what other people think about you or it might be the fear of the change you are about to make in your …
Do you know what Wreck This Journal is? Besides being a book that makes you do funny things, turns out it’s also a wonderful way to arrange some quality time with your kid.
What makes you spark?
Sometimes we forget what makes us spark and end up in the endless loop of mundane tasks which leave us exhausted and with feeling that we haven’t done anything. I have some thoughts about that and a small challenge for you today, dive in!
Finding the things that make us really spark is super important and I have been thinking about that a lot lately. I wanted to share my thoughts about this with you, so put your headphones on and hear what makes me spark, what I think about it and what you could do to add some in your daily routines too.
I would love to hear your takeaways of this small audio and how did it go when you added some spark in your life. Please share the takeaways you got, take a screenshot or write about it in the channel you feel the most sparkly one for you.
Let me know! You can comment below or reach me in social media. On instagram you can find me with name @ainoawashere, make sure you tag me when you share about your what makes your spark! Feel free to share these quote images too if you like, I made them for you!
Maybe you could help someone else to find their spark too. Send a link or share this article via social media to a friend who do you think would benefit of adding some spark in their lives right now?
Keep sparkling!
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