I love face mist. I like the refreshing feeling when used during the day and the hydrating essence of them. The problem is that I couldn’t find the face mist of my dreams even I tried. I have just three rules for mists (and cosmetics in general too) but it seems that market is seriously lacking a mist like that. So I had to solve this problem on my own.
Simple rules for buying cosmetics
It should be as natural as possible. I’m not a saint, I have different kind of cosmetics in use but I try to lessen the amount in general and increase the natural ones when possible.
It have to smell and / or feel good, preferably both. Even if the product promises real miracles, if it smells bad to my nose, it’s not for me. I like fresh, light and interesting scents with a natural base and curious combinations.
It has to look good too. I’m a visualist, designer and art director and I want my daily essentials to be the joy for the eye too, not just my skin. My favourites are minimal, beautiful and with a hint of something unique that really stands out in the shelf both in store and in my bathroom.
How to make a Face Mist of your own?
After some serious mist hunting I ended up with nothing that would fit all the rules so I deciced to experiment a bit by myself. That’s how Sage + Tea Face Mist was born. I used as simple ingredients as possible, tea from kitchen and few drops of sage essential oil I had just bought because of its gorgeous and mind clearing scent. Glass bottle is small, beautiful and easy to take with me if needed.
When doing DIY cosmetics, remember that as the product doesn’t include any preservants, it should be used rather quickly and stored in cool, dark place like fridge. The smaller bottle works really well for that too. The mist is being used quicker and then you can make the next small patch. Small bottles can be bought for example from apothecaries. Glass is also very easy to clean by boiling it.
I’m so happy with this result and looking forward to experiment a bit more with different ingredients too. I wish this would be a real product though and available in bigger bottles too as the smell and the feeling on skin in this first one is amazing.
Plan, do, execute, stay focused, be your best self all the time, repeat. The better and more you do, the better and more you are. And the more you do, the more you’re trying to do tomorrow. Look cool, create, meditate, listen some music, draw, paint, sell, upsell, grow, stay hydrated, be a good mother. …
I’ve started the morning pages habit quite many times and failed to do it almost as often. For me tweaking stuff to fit to my own path and breaking the rules when necessary are the way of life. I have to admit that it works quite well with everything else but with the Morning Pages, …
This has been one hell of a year. In good and in bad too. So many emotions, so many feelings, so many breakthroughs, so many happy moments and so many disappointments, worries and sleepless nights.
Managing multiple businesses means that you need exactly the right tools of the trade too to keep everything in control. Throughout the years I’ve tried several different software (and hardware) and by trial and error finally found the right ones which work perfectly for me. I’ve also found many that don’t fit my personal (or …
Sage + Tea Face Mist
I love face mist. I like the refreshing feeling when used during the day and the hydrating essence of them. The problem is that I couldn’t find the face mist of my dreams even I tried. I have just three rules for mists (and cosmetics in general too) but it seems that market is seriously lacking a mist like that. So I had to solve this problem on my own.
Simple rules for buying cosmetics
How to make a Face Mist of your own?
After some serious mist hunting I ended up with nothing that would fit all the rules so I deciced to experiment a bit by myself. That’s how Sage + Tea Face Mist was born. I used as simple ingredients as possible, tea from kitchen and few drops of sage essential oil I had just bought because of its gorgeous and mind clearing scent. Glass bottle is small, beautiful and easy to take with me if needed.
When doing DIY cosmetics, remember that as the product doesn’t include any preservants, it should be used rather quickly and stored in cool, dark place like fridge. The smaller bottle works really well for that too. The mist is being used quicker and then you can make the next small patch. Small bottles can be bought for example from apothecaries. Glass is also very easy to clean by boiling it.
I’m so happy with this result and looking forward to experiment a bit more with different ingredients too. I wish this would be a real product though and available in bigger bottles too as the smell and the feeling on skin in this first one is amazing.
No more mist hunting for me!
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