I very aware that the text content is as important than the imagery in social media but for one reason or another, I tend to approach creating content from the imagery point of view. I haven’t even really thought about it that much, it just comes naturally. Image first and then the text. Now I’m open to something new.
That doesn’t make the text less important. It is actually quite important to produce content people can relate to, to write in in a way that it’s readable and to make sure it meets the SEO optimization standards. Even here in the blog, I tend to start from the images and the texts always come second.
Via my writing challenge this year (text per day, every single day) I want to find new ways to both create and write texts but also how I see texts in general. Writing more has already opened me a lot of new perspectives and this social media content management is one of them.
What if I started with the texts, what would happen to my social media content?
That’s something I want to explore. Next couple of weeks I will approach this method where the text comes first. I manage several social media accounts so there a hell lot of a playfield to try this out. This particular article among them as I have absolutely no idea of the featured image I will be using with this. When you read it, it will be in place but at the moment, while writing this, I haven’t picked it up yet.
To make the text itself efficient, there are few things you (and I) should know.
How to SEO optimize your Instagram account?
Instagram, even it is a bit different platform than a blog, is SEO optimizable. You just need to know where and how. Here are a few tips and hints that might be useful for you.
Optimize your Instagram profile
Your profile is an essential part of your Instagram account. Don’t let it go wild or not taken care of. Make sure your handle and your name are both recognizable and if possible, include your main keyword in both. Both of these are searchable inside Instagram so make sure you get everything out of this feature.
The rest of the texts is searchable too so use as many keywords you can but try to be fluent and easygoing. The limit of the characters in your profile is 150. I just recently changed mine and instead of Aino | creativity + coffee it now says
As Instagram doesn’t support links anywhere else than in your profile, make sure the link you share in there is relevant and guides the interested people in right place. (And stop using links in your texts as they don’t work!)
The link you provide should be valid (no broken links in here!) and lead to your website, web store, blog or anywhere else you want the customer to end up. The link is changeable so you can update it how often you want to.
To provide more than one link, you can try out Linktree or build a lander page to your website that has more links in it. I use Linktree for example in here and the lander page here.
How to use hashtags on Instagram?
The easiest and most effective way to optimize your content is the clever use of hashtags. The hashtag limit per image is 30 and in a nutshell, you should pick a few that are your own (for example in Aura notebooks Instagram I use hashtags #aura and #auranotebook) and complement those with other hashtags that are relevant to your content.
Try to pick the ones which have less than 100K posts as when you go above that, your images just disappear in the huge mass. There’s really no point in using hashtags over that amount.
Make sure your hashtags change per image and they are related on the content you are providing. One of the functions of the algorithm is to check out if your followers engage with your content and if your hashtag says #flowers and your image is about airplanes, well, it does the math.
How to find the best hashtags to use in Instagram
You can search usable hashtags in several ways. Many of the scheduling applications provide tools for that or you can go to Instagram and start searching for different tags to see which ones you could use. You should also check out what other people do with hashtags and which ones are similar to your own content. When searching a hashtag, Instagram itself suggests you similar ones too.
Write your hashtag lists (per image category, remember!) somewhere where you can easily cut and paste them into place. I use Tailwind for scheduling and I’ve saved all my favorites per brand and per image category in there but you can use whatever is the handiest for you for example Notes etc.
And if you don’t do it already, you can also follow a particular hashtag besides following actual accounts!
What’s on my own to-do list at the moment is to update all my hashtag lists to make sure I get the most out of them. Some of them are a bit out of date or in another way, not that efficient.
Social media is social
On top of these technical details, raising engagement on Instagram is based on your activity. Comment on people’s posts, like, share content, tag people and so on.
What you give is what you get so make sure you really give a lot. It’s not a one-way road, it’s named social media for a reason. You can start by following me on Instagram with handle @ainoawashere
Social Media Monday is my ongoing article series which I write while I do the actual work with social media. It includes insights, ideas, tips and tricks I’ve discovered while managing our several accounts and channels and with some client work too.
These articles are my own notes about the process and also the inspiration for you to try out the same things or to avoid some of them. Feel free to share your thoughts on comments or in social media by tagging @ainoawashere and using hashtag #socialmediamonday
Check out the last Social Media Monday article too:
Let me introduce you to the Miracle Lines. These babies fresh from the printing company include several motivational quotes and some questions to guide you towards your dream life.
Instagram stories have taken over if not the whole world, a major chunk of Instagram users and the time used with the application. Photos, videos, memes and yes, all those awesome stickers to add! The temptation to do your own ones if you’re into GIF making is enormous. So this Social Media Monday is all …
We have a tendency to avoid the hard parts. To postpone the difficult task and to procrastinate the ones that make us uncomfortable. No need to be ashamed though, that’s only a very human thing to do. Eat the frog is a technique that helps you go over that.
Social Media Monday | How to optimize your Instagram content
I very aware that the text content is as important than the imagery in social media but for one reason or another, I tend to approach creating content from the imagery point of view. I haven’t even really thought about it that much, it just comes naturally. Image first and then the text. Now I’m open to something new.
That doesn’t make the text less important. It is actually quite important to produce content people can relate to, to write in in a way that it’s readable and to make sure it meets the SEO optimization standards. Even here in the blog, I tend to start from the images and the texts always come second.
Via my writing challenge this year (text per day, every single day) I want to find new ways to both create and write texts but also how I see texts in general. Writing more has already opened me a lot of new perspectives and this social media content management is one of them.
What if I started with the texts, what would happen to my social media content?
That’s something I want to explore. Next couple of weeks I will approach this method where the text comes first. I manage several social media accounts so there a hell lot of a playfield to try this out. This particular article among them as I have absolutely no idea of the featured image I will be using with this. When you read it, it will be in place but at the moment, while writing this, I haven’t picked it up yet.
To make the text itself efficient, there are few things you (and I) should know.
How to SEO optimize your Instagram account?
Instagram, even it is a bit different platform than a blog, is SEO optimizable. You just need to know where and how. Here are a few tips and hints that might be useful for you.
Optimize your Instagram profile
Your profile is an essential part of your Instagram account. Don’t let it go wild or not taken care of. Make sure your handle and your name are both recognizable and if possible, include your main keyword in both. Both of these are searchable inside Instagram so make sure you get everything out of this feature.
The rest of the texts is searchable too so use as many keywords you can but try to be fluent and easygoing. The limit of the characters in your profile is 150. I just recently changed mine and instead of Aino | creativity + coffee it now says
???? | ??????? ????????
??????????? + ???????? + ???? 》
Links in Instagram
As Instagram doesn’t support links anywhere else than in your profile, make sure the link you share in there is relevant and guides the interested people in right place. (And stop using links in your texts as they don’t work!)
The link you provide should be valid (no broken links in here!) and lead to your website, web store, blog or anywhere else you want the customer to end up. The link is changeable so you can update it how often you want to.
To provide more than one link, you can try out Linktree or build a lander page to your website that has more links in it. I use Linktree for example in here and the lander page here.
How to use hashtags on Instagram?
The easiest and most effective way to optimize your content is the clever use of hashtags. The hashtag limit per image is 30 and in a nutshell, you should pick a few that are your own (for example in Aura notebooks Instagram I use hashtags #aura and #auranotebook) and complement those with other hashtags that are relevant to your content.
Try to pick the ones which have less than 100K posts as when you go above that, your images just disappear in the huge mass. There’s really no point in using hashtags over that amount.
Make sure your hashtags change per image and they are related on the content you are providing. One of the functions of the algorithm is to check out if your followers engage with your content and if your hashtag says #flowers and your image is about airplanes, well, it does the math.
How to find the best hashtags to use in Instagram
You can search usable hashtags in several ways. Many of the scheduling applications provide tools for that or you can go to Instagram and start searching for different tags to see which ones you could use. You should also check out what other people do with hashtags and which ones are similar to your own content. When searching a hashtag, Instagram itself suggests you similar ones too.
Write your hashtag lists (per image category, remember!) somewhere where you can easily cut and paste them into place. I use Tailwind for scheduling and I’ve saved all my favorites per brand and per image category in there but you can use whatever is the handiest for you for example Notes etc.
And if you don’t do it already, you can also follow a particular hashtag besides following actual accounts!
What’s on my own to-do list at the moment is to update all my hashtag lists to make sure I get the most out of them. Some of them are a bit out of date or in another way, not that efficient.
Social media is social
On top of these technical details, raising engagement on Instagram is based on your activity. Comment on people’s posts, like, share content, tag people and so on.
What you give is what you get so make sure you really give a lot. It’s not a one-way road, it’s named social media for a reason. You can start by following me on Instagram with handle @ainoawashere
Social Media Monday is my ongoing article series which I write while I do the actual work with social media. It includes insights, ideas, tips and tricks I’ve discovered while managing our several accounts and channels and with some client work too.
These articles are my own notes about the process and also the inspiration for you to try out the same things or to avoid some of them. Feel free to share your thoughts on comments or in social media by tagging @ainoawashere and using hashtag #socialmediamonday
Check out the last Social Media Monday article too:
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