Tag Archives: books

  • ainonieminen.com

    Hey, what’s up?

    What’s up? WHAZZAAP? I know it’s still only February but this year feels already so fulfilling, full and, well, long.

  • ainonieminen.com


    What a MAD month it has been! And it’s still not even over! Whoah! 

  • Booklover

    When I was a kid, I used to bury myself on the sofa with a pile of books I had borrowed from the library. Some things seem not to change that much. We haven’t had a sofa for years (or TV either) but the pile of books is still essential part of my everyday life.

  • Wreck This Journal | How we ended up splashing coffee on the floor with my daughter

    Do you know what Wreck This Journal is? Besides being a book that makes you do funny things, turns out it’s also a wonderful way to arrange some quality time with your kid.
