The feeling when you realize that the Palm Sunday is tomorrow and you have absolutely no easter crafts material at home. Let’s cut some magazines darling, shall we!
Sometimes we forget what makes us spark and end up in the endless loop of mundane tasks which leave us exhausted and with feeling that we haven’t done anything. I have some thoughts about that and a small challenge for you today, dive in!
Managing multiple businesses means that you need exactly the right tools of the trade too to keep everything in control. Throughout the years I’ve tried several different software (and hardware) and by trial and error finally found the right ones which work perfectly for me. I’ve also found many that don’t fit my personal (or …
We have this birthday tradition with my daughter that she picks the theme and I do my magic. This year she wished to have a Minnie Mouse birthday party, so I’ve been seeing dots for several weeks now. Everything culminated on Saturday when the actual party took place at our home.
Easter in images
The feeling when you realize that the Palm Sunday is tomorrow and you have absolutely no easter crafts material at home. Let’s cut some magazines darling, shall we!
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Minnie Mouse themed birthday party | Dots and some DIY
We have this birthday tradition with my daughter that she picks the theme and I do my magic. This year she wished to have a Minnie Mouse birthday party, so I’ve been seeing dots for several weeks now. Everything culminated on Saturday when the actual party took place at our home.