• ainonieminen.com

    Eat the frog

    We have a tendency to avoid the hard parts. To postpone the difficult task and to procrastinate the ones that make us uncomfortable. No need to be ashamed though, that’s only a very human thing to do. Eat the frog is a technique that helps you go over that.

  • ainonieminen.com

    Hey, what’s up?

    What’s up? WHAZZAAP? I know it’s still only February but this year feels already so fulfilling, full and, well, long.

  • ainonieminen.com


    What a MAD month it has been! And it’s still not even over! Whoah! 

  • ainonieminen.com

    The Miracle Lines | Aura notebook family expands

    Let me introduce you to the Miracle Lines. These babies fresh from the printing company include several motivational quotes and some questions to guide you towards your dream life.

  • ainonieminen.com

    Social Media Monday | How to optimize your Instagram content

    I very aware that the text content is as important than the imagery in social media but for one reason or another, I tend to approach creating content from the imagery point of view. I haven’t even really thought about it that much, it just comes naturally. Image first and then the text. Now I’m …

  • ainonieminen.com

    Tools of the trade

    Managing multiple businesses means that you need exactly the right tools of the trade too to keep everything in control. Throughout the years I’ve tried several different software (and hardware) and by trial and error finally found the right ones which work perfectly for me. I’ve also found many that don’t fit my personal (or …

  • Booklover

    When I was a kid, I used to bury myself on the sofa with a pile of books I had borrowed from the library. Some things seem not to change that much. We haven’t had a sofa for years (or TV either) but the pile of books is still essential part of my everyday life.

  • Social Media Monday | How to get your own stickers to Instagram Stories

    Instagram stories have taken over if not the whole world, a major chunk of Instagram users and the time used with the application. Photos, videos, memes and yes, all those awesome stickers to add! The temptation to do your own ones if you’re into GIF making is enormous. So this Social Media Monday is all …

  • Social Media Monday | Done is better than perfect

    I’ve spent so many hours on social media both for fun and for work. There have also been those moments when I felt like trapped inside my phone trying to manage several accounts 24/7 without a proper plan or efficient workflow. That’s how Social Media Mondays got started. To make it more efficient, I started …

  • Planning | How to change your dreams to actual goals

    I wanted to share some ideas of planning with you and tell you how to change your dreams to actual goals. 

  • Finding yourself, your ikigai, your ideal clients and so much more | Workshops and courses

    Learning new skills and developing and discovering yourself is mainly privately done hard work but sometimes it helps to find some spark and inspiration from someone else too. I have taken several different workshops and courses during this year and last one and I think those might inspire you too.

  • Ugly today, brilliant tomorrow

    One of my clients once said that they literally thought I was going crazy when I presented the first sketch round for their event rebranding. This particular part of the branding and design process is my favourite.  It takes courage to leap to the unknown and design the future today. That’s definitely not an easy …

  • And I love you

    All the products I design have a story behind them. Some longer than others and some more important. That goes also with client work. I think there should always be the story, the reason, the why before anything is designed, established or branded.
